Relation Between Diseases & Energy Blockage In Acupressure
Toxic surroundings, overworking, and stress, among other factors, can all contribute to an energy imbalance, which can lead to a variety of physiological, behavioral, and physical abnormalities.
Stress & Other Mental Disorders
All mental diseases are caused by blocked energy and uneven blood circulation, which can be treated by unblocking these meridians.
Body Pain
The majority of the shoulder, back, knee, and elbow symptoms are caused by imbalanced energy throughout the body.
Chronic Disease
The thyroid is the cause of most diseases, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, because it prevents energy from flowing through our body’s numerous organs.
Improper Digestion
Poor breathing leads to a lack of chi in the stomach, which leads to poor digestion.
When energy/chi is out of balance, the blood becomes imbalanced, which is a precursor to disease.
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