Acupressure Therapy To Boost Immune System
Immunity, in simple terms, helps your body resist diseases, infections, or other unwanted biological disorders. A strong immune gives adequate tolerance to avoid allergies and auto-immune diseases. Thus it becomes very important to boost the immune system. Acupressure therapy has proven to be very effective in the treatment of immunity disorders.How To Improve Immunity With Acupressure Points
Traditional acupressure therapy has discovered that certain physical activities, such as sitting and standing, are carried on for too long, resulting in blocked energy through certain pathways. We will talk about releasing energy on these routes to ensure that the blood and energy circulation is balanced to give you a stronger immune system.
Elegant Mansion (Kidney 27 or K27)
This point is located in the depression below your collarbone. Excessive standing could damage the bladder and kidney meridians that causing fatigue, backaches, and an unhealthy immune system. In addition to that, a weak respiratory system results in weak immunity. Applying pressure on K 27 will help restore energy meridians for the bladder and kidney and the respiratory that will improve the immune system.
Sea of Vitality (Bladder 23 and 47 or B 23 & B 47)
Again, if you are doing a task that requires excessive standing, you could press the sea of vitality points that are located at the lower back. Moreover, it reduces chest congestion, coughing, breathing problems, asthma, anxiety, depression, and many other ailments. Both these points are located on both sides of the spine, two and four-finger widths away, respectively.
Stomach 36 (ST 36)
Are you living a sedentary lifestyle? Do you hardly get time to stand during your job? Sitting for long hours could cause damage to the stomach and spleen meridians. Disorders in these vital body areas could cause fatigue and a declining immune system. About 70-80 % of immune tissue is located within our digestive system. Digestive disorders also play a huge role in causing various ailments resulting from low immunity. Stimulate energy through the stomach and spleen pathways by massaging the stomach at 36 pressure points. You could find this point on both legs four fingers down the kneecap and one finger on the outer side of the shin bone.
The Union Valley (LI 4)
Breathing problems or other inflammatory diseases disturb the response of the immune system, which releases lymphocytes and macrophages to protect the respiratory system from toxins. In order to boost energy to your respiratory organs, you could massage the LI 4 point located between the thumb and the forefinger.
Crooked Pond (LI 11)
This point is on the upper edge of the elbow crease. This point, when massaged, opens the meridians towards the liver and respiratory system to strengthen your immunity.
Sea Of Tranquility (Conception Vessel 17 CV 17)
Does your work give you a lot of eye strain? Top it up with emotional stress, and it could damage your small intestine and heart meridians, which disturb your immune system. Massaging the CV 17 at the center of the breastbone will balance the flow of energy through these meridians.
Bigger Rushing (LV 3)
One reason for a weak immune system is the damage caused to the gall bladder and liver meridians as a result of excessive physical exertion. The LV 3 acupressure on the top of your feet at the point where the big and second toes meet will balance the flow of energy to these meridians.
Sea Of Energy (Conception Vessel 6 or CV 6)
As mentioned earlier, intestine tissue is abundant in the digestive system. Abdominal muscles and intestines get increased Qi energy when you massage the CV-6 pressure point. It is located two finger widths below the belly button.
Bigger Stream (Kidney 3 K3)
This pressure point on the inside of the ankle helps balance the kidney meridian and boosts the immune system. You could find it on the inside of the foot, halfway between the Achilles tendon and the side of your ankle bone.
Outer Gate (TW5)
The TW-5 point could be found three finger-widths above the crease of the palm on the backside. Massaging this point twice daily for two minutes will boost the flow of vital energy throughout the body and strengthen the immune system.
Things To Do In Addition To Acupressure For Immunity
A weak immune system is often a result of poor diet and stress. Here are the top symptoms of a weak immune system:
- Sugar Consumption: Your sugar consumption has soared considerably. These are signs that your immune system is declining.
- Less fluid intake: If you are not consuming considerable amounts of fluids, the odds are that you are moving toward a weak immune system. Fluids help you flush out the toxins from your body.
- You’re overweight: In addition to the heart, brain, muscles, and other organs, being overweight is also hazardous for the immune system.
- Your nose is too dry. As uncomfortable as it may sound, a running nose is actually a good defense against colds and flu. The mucus traps viruses and stops them from entering the body.
- You are stressed out. Stress plays a huge role in weakening the immune system. Symptoms get worse when you face a stressful situation while you are having the flu.
- You frequently catch colds. This means that your immune system isn’t functioning properly. During the change of season, if you catch a cold that lasts for 3–4 days, you surely need an immunity boost.