Acupressure for Stress And Anxiety Relief
Are you overloaded with demands and coping to fulfill them? These demands may come from work, relationships, studies, and many other situations. They take an unhealthy turn when they become a threat to the person’s emotional and physical well-being which could cause stress.Stress cautions you about an upcoming situation (good or bad) and encourages you to respond in order to mitigate a threat or achieve something. Anxiety is a subset of stress that builds up as you think more and more about the situation. Stress affects your brain chemistry, overall physical health, and ability to cope with important situations.
You Could Relieve Your Self With Acupressure Points For Stress
With Chinese acupressure therapy, you could curb the symptoms of stress or get rid of it permanently. Simply spend 15 minutes to massage the body pressure points given in this article, and you could carve your way to a happier life and respond strongly to situations that are otherwise stressful.
15 Minutes Pressure Points To Relieve Stress
Spirit Gate (H7 or Heart 7)
The heart meridian prevails in the pulse and blood circulation. Out of all the nine points in the heart meridian, the H 7 is perhaps the easiest one to locate and massage without inviting speculation. This point is located below the little finger where the wrist forms a crease with the hand. Firmly press this point on both hands for 2 minutes while breathing deeply. This massage is the quick and easiest solution to getting rid of symptoms related to stress, anxiety, and palpitations. People suffering from cardiac pain, epilepsy, and chest pain could also apply pressure at this point to get gradual results.
Inner Gate (Pericardium 6 or P6)
The pericardium is the “Master of heart,” and its good health plays a vital role in a man’s positive affirmation of life. The pericardium protects the heart from negative external factors like stress, sorrow, and fear. The Pericardium 6 point could be easily located three-finger widths above the wrist crease. Apply pressure to this point on both hands with the same intensity and equal amount of time while taking deep breaths.
Outer Gate (Triple Warmer 5 Or TW5)
The triple warmer meridian is referred to in acupressure as a house for hormone glands that increase metabolic rate and energetic power. When this meridian is affected, you feel depressed, stressed out, and even isolated. Want to be a person who doesn’t accept defeat easily? The outer gate thus becomes one of the most important acupressure points to relieve stress. On the back of your arm, measure three fingers upwards, and you will find this point between the two tendons. This point increases the flow of energy throughout the body and helps in getting rid of symptoms that cause stress and anxiety.
Heavenly Rejuvenation (Triple Warmer 15 or TW 15)
This is one more triple-warmer point on the list. You could massage any one of the given points. The TW15 is located in the middle of both shoulders, half an inch below the top of the shoulders. Close your eyes and take deep breaths while pressing these points to quickly treat anxiety and stress.
Crooked Marsh (Pericardium 3 or P3)
We have discussed the role of the pericardium above. The Pericardium 3 acupressure massage could also be used for several ailments, including dysentery, vomiting, and diarrhea. You could find this point at the lower edge of the elbow crease on the inside of the arm.
Third Eye Point (Governing Vessel 24.5 or GV 24.5)
This point works by balancing the energy flow in our bodies thus helping to get rid of all negative toxins resulting from stress-inducing factors. The Third Eye Point is located exactly at the point where the bridge of the nose meets the forehead. You will observe better results when you close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply while massaging this point. In addition to being one of the vital pressure points for anxiety, this point also helps in curing eye problems, vertigo, dizziness, and congestion of the nose.
Sea of Tranquility (Conception Vessel 17 or CV 17)
Anxiety is directly related to the heart as it increases beats and palpitations. One of the vital and convenient anxiety pressure points, the CV 17 point, boosts the health of the heart by subsiding anxiety, nervousness, and other stress-related symptoms. It is one of the most popular emotional balancing points and is found at the center of the chest, four finger widths above the base of the breastbone.
Heavenly Pillar (Bladder 10 or B10)
An imbalance in the bladder meridians may cause hatred in relationships and at work. Maybe anxiety and stress have already taken their toll on your mind and body and you want immediate results. The Heavenly Pillar point has proven its efficiency to give immediate results. This point is situated one finger width below the base of the skull and half an inch outside of the spine.
Central Treasury (LU 1)
People with a deficiency in the lung meridian show tendencies of too much worry and concern. The central treasury is a vital point in acupressure for anxiety. Spot it where your shoulder blade meets the chest muscle. Move upwards about two-finger width from that point, going towards the neck. Press this point for two seconds while taking deep breaths. This acupressure point helps balance the emotions and flow of energy throughout the body.
Union Valley (Large Intestine 4 or LI 4)
The liver meridian reflects the personality. Your personality depends a lot on the strength of your large intestine meridian. The Union Valley body point is believed to be a cure for a wide range of ailments. It could be easily found in the wide gap between the thumb and the index finger. This point strengthens the muscles and is very useful in getting immediate relief from stress.
Remember To Do This With Acupressure For Stress & Anxiety
1. Drink Lots of Water
As a result of acupressure therapy, toxins get accumulate in the kidney region and you should drink lots of water to get rid of them. It is strongly recommended to drink at least 10 glasses of water every day along with this therapy for quick results and to permanently get rid of the toxics.
2. Deep Breathing
You will observe results at a magical speed if you breathe deeply each time you press a particular point.
3. Press For 2–3 Minutes
In order to get better and quicker results, start with 1-2 points by pressing each one for 2-3 minutes at least once daily. Gradually, you could move to the rest of the points and perform a complete set of acupressure treatments.
Stress is triggered by some of the most common internal and external factors. They include:
External Factors
- Constant pressure at work.
- Troublesome relationships.
- Financial crisis.
- Social inferiority.
Internal Factors
- Inability to cope with failures and other frustrating situations.
- Weak fitness.
- Poor nutrition.
- Low emotional well-being.
- Fewer hours of sleep and imbalanced sleeping patterns
- Unhealthy eating habits.
- Consumption of alcohol and tobacco products.
These problems are never permanent, and you can overcome them before they get the better of you. Stress, anxiety, and other emotional problems could be easily curbed when you religiously massage the given acupressure points daily. You could initially pick up 1-2 acupressure points and gradually proceed to the rest of the points. However, it is essential that you spend 15-20 minutes daily to get quick results. All the above-mentioned points also play a huge role as acupressure points for anxiety attacks.