Acupressure For High Blood Pressure & A Healthy Heart
The concept of acupressure therapy is very simple. It advocates the fact that “Life Force Energy” is behind the working of every organ. The deficiency of this energy in our organs could lead to various ailments. So if you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, you need to identify all the meridians that help in the proper functioning of the heart. In this article, we will show you the most effective acupressure for high blood pressure to ensure the healthy transport of blood and energy.
6 Powerful Acupressure For High Blood Pressure
Kidney 1
Hypertension is the worst enemy of your body. Prolonged hypertension increases the force of the blood against the artery and damages your blood vessels. This leads to heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and other cardiac threats. Stress and anxiety are the major factors behind hypertension condition. The kidney meridian plays a significant role in keeping you calm and relaxed. Imbalanced energy towards this meridian could disturb your mental well-being. Massaging the kidney 1 point is your first step with acupressure points for high blood pressure.
Liver Acupressure Points For High Blood Pressure
Do you feel offended easily? Are you grief-stricken or sorrowful? The weak functioning of the liver is one of the reasons behind negative emotions. These negative emotions affect the functioning of your heart. The liver is a vital organ that supports almost every other organ in the body, including the heart. Massaging the points in the liver meridian will give you a composed state of mind, relieve your stress and, boost the health of your heart. Your acupressure for high blood pressure treatment should inevitably include the Liv 3 point located on the webbing where the big and second toes meet.
Heart (Acupressure Points For Blood Pressure)
These points represent the heart meridian. So, they become extremely vital pressure points for high blood pressure. Massaging this point will give relief from stress and anxiety. These points are located at the base of the hand where it meets the wrist. Draw an imaginary line between the small and ring finger until you reach the crease. Massage this point at least 2 minutes, 2 times daily.
Governing Vessel 20 (GV 20 Acupressure Points For BP)
Massaging this point will help you fight depression and calm down the nerves. The point could be found at the top of your head when you draw imaginary lines starting from each ear. Apply pressure at the point where both fingers meet. Press this point for 2 minutes, 2 times daily. Along with acupressure for hypertension, the GV 20 point is also a strong acupressure point to increase vital energy.
Pericardium 6 (Acupressure For Hypertension)
The pericardium is a double-walled sac that houses the heart. They keep the moving surfaces of the heart lubricated. Thus, they play a vital role in maintaining a healthy heart. The pericardium acupressure points for high blood pressure could be found approximately three finger-widths away from the inner wrist crease. It is one of the most important points as it balances the blood circulatory system and the function of the heart.
Gall Bladder 34 (GB 34)
There is a lack of strong evidence that a healthy gall bladder promotes the health of your heart. But it could definitely decrease your stress levels and ensure a smooth flow of energy. You could use the GB 34 as acupressure for high BP. The point is located at the outside of the knee in a depression below and in front of the head of the fibula.
Some Tips To Follow Along With Acupressure For High Blood Pressure
Acupressure points for high BP are effective therapy. Lifestyle plays a significant role in treating high blood pressure conditions. If you successfully keep a check on your blood pressure with the combination of acupressure and a healthy lifestyle, you might not need any medication in the long run. Here are some tips to supplement acupressure therapy:
- Keep a watch on your waistline
An increase in weight is instrumental to an increase in blood pressure. You will find it helpful when you combine acupressure for hypertension along with pressure points for weight loss. Weight loss is one of the most significant lifestyle changes for controlling blood pressure.
Besides shedding weight, you should also keep a watch on your waistline as too much weight around this area will put you at more risk of high blood pressure.
- Exercise Regularly
It is a good habit to exercise at least 30 minutes a day as it could considerably lower your blood pressure. Mild high blood pressure could be prevented from turning into full-blown hypertension with regular exercise. Acupressure points for hypertension and cardio exercises are your best bet to bring back your blood pressure to normal levels.
- Healthy Diet
A diet full of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products could lower your blood pressure. Top it up with the elimination of fat and cholesterol-rich food and you could bring down your hypertension levels considerably. Your acupressure points for high blood pressure could be accompanied by pressure points to control your eating habits. Would you like to know the best foods that could actually reduce blood pressure levels? This video will be helpful.