Acupressure Points for Constipation
The health of your stomach plays a huge role in how your life behaves. A strong stomach is a sign of a healthy life. Only a strong stomach has the ability to digest the necessary nutrients and eliminate waste. Constipation is a result of a weak digestive system that is not able to smoothly eliminate the wastes deposited in our body from the food we consume. In this article, we will discuss the various points of acupressure for constipation that will strengthen your digestive system, which is instrumental in leading a healthy life.Pressure Points For Constipation
Constipation means different things to different people. For some, bowel movements occur twice or three times a week, while others are dependent on laxatives and other medicines to regulate their bowel movements. Traditional Chinese medicine has given us some really wonderful pressure points to relieve constipation. These points could be massaged twice daily for 3-5 minutes for a prolonged period of time to get relief from all types of constipation.
Stomach 25 Points: Vital Acupressure Points For Constipation
The Stomach 25 point is where “Chi” for the large intestine travels. This acupressure point is the meeting point for the upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts. You could locate the point three-finger width parallel beside the center of your navel. You will have to massage the point at the edge of the last finger. Massaging this point regularly will release abdominal energy and blood, balance the functioning of the stomach, and strengthen your intestines. The ST 25 acupressure points for constipation are also useful during stomach pain, diarrhea, and all kinds of intestinal disorders.
Conception Vessel 6
Conception Vessel 6 is the most powerful of all the pressure points to relieve constipation. In very simple terms, this point provides nourishment to the whole body while strengthening your digestion and fertility. The point is located three finger widths below the belly button. Stimulate this point by applying slow and gradually increasing pressure while breathing deeply.
Conception Vessel 12
All the energy of your stomach gathers at the Conception Vessel 12 point. It regulates and strengthens your spleen and stomach. The major task of this point is to convert water and grain into valuable nutrients for your body. It is at the point where your ribs meet your belly button on the body midline. It is mostly used to cure indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and loss of appetite.
Stomach 36 – Important Acupressure Points For Constipation On Feet
The stomach 36 point represents several treatments and is the most important point to balance energy and regulate the flow of blood. It boosts general health and body wellness, while mainly strengthening the digestive system. You can find it when you place four fingers below the kneecap and one finger width on the outer side of the shin bone. Not only do they work as instant acupressure points for constipation, but these points are also recommended to strengthen your immune system and boost vital energy.
Large Intestine 4
This point is dedicated to the large intestine. If constipation is bothering you, this is the first-hand point. You could find it in the webbing between your thumb and the forefinger. It is the most powerful point when you want some instant energy and is also famous for relieving pain throughout the body.
Large Intestine 11 – Acupressure Therapy For Instant Constipation Relief
Just like LI 4 was discussed above, the LI 11 point also strongly addresses constipation and other stomach discomforts. It is highly recommended to boost your metabolism if you are looking to curb your hunger and burn calories fast. The point is at the end of the elbow crease on the outer side. You could press this point on both arms. In many cases, this point gives instant constipation relief and other stomach-related discomforts.
As discussed at the start of the post, healthy digestion is the key to a long and healthy life. With acupressure, you could stimulate energy across various meridians to improve digestion and keep the constipation problem at bay. Massaging these acupressure points will also boost your immune system and generate electrifying energy throughout your body.