7 Quick Acupressure Points For Diabetes
If you are considering acupressure points for diabetes, you have just become a part of an alternative medicine revolution. Why? That’s because a huge population around the globe is now considering alternative medicines, such as acupressure therapy, an effective way to treat various disorders and diseases.Can Acupressure Cure Diabetes?
To answer that, let’s understand diabetes in a nutshell.
The insulin hormone balances the amount of sugar in your blood. Diabetes is caused when the body is unable to produce insulin, or it is produced in small amounts. This results in the deteriorating metabolism of carbohydrates. This increases the levels of glucose in your blood and urine. The acupressure points given in this article will help you increase your carbohydrates/sugar metabolism.
7 Super Effective Acupressure Points For Diabetes
Acupressure therapy boosts your metabolic rate, controls stress, and heals urinary disorders. These areas are the top targets to cure diabetes condition. In this article, we will have a look at all the major acupressure therapy for diabetes.
Spleen 6 (SP 6 Acupressure Treatment For Diabetes)
The spleen is responsible for the absorption and transformation of food. Irregularities in the spleen meridian disturb carbohydrate metabolism. Imbalances in the spleen meridian also cause toxic overload. We suggest the Spleen 6 point on your legs that intersects the liver, kidney, and spleen. These 3 organs are vulnerable to diabetes conditions. So, this point becomes more important. Count four-finger on the top of the inner ankle bone and behind the shinbone. It is also recommended to look up acupressure points for stress and anxiety.
Intestine Pressure Points For Diabetes (Large Intestine 4 Acupressure Point For Diabetes On Palm)
A growing body of evidence indicates that type 2 diabetes may be an intestinal illness. Stomach-related problems are already known to reduce metabolic rate. The large intestine represents bowel movements. Thus, it becomes a vital organ to regulate stomach functions. You could press the Large Intestine 4 that represents acupressure points on the palm for diabetes. Press this point daily for 5 minutes. You could find them at the little mound of flesh between the thumb and index finger. It is also vital acupressure for constipation.
Bigger Rushing (Liver Acupressure Therapy For Diabetes)
Locate this acupressure point at the indented spot between the big and second toe. Fatty liver is considered to be an initial cause of type-2 diabetes. The situation could worsen if it is not administered correctly. LV3 points on both feet are vital acupressure massage for diabetes as they fall in the liver meridian. These points could also treat all kinds of symptoms related to the liver.
Kidney Acupressure Point For Diabetes
Diabetes injures your small blood vessels. This causes the improper function of the kidney as it could not clean your blood. As a result, your body will retain more salt and water. This results in weight gain and reduced metabolic power. You could regulate the energies towards your kidney with the kidney 1 point. This will strengthen your circulatory system. The kidney 1 (K1) point is at the sole of your foot below the ball, between the second and third fingers.
Knee Acupressure Points Diabetes Control
Hydrochloric (HCL) acids are the digestive juices that aid the proper digestion of food. The deficiency of HCL could affect carbohydrate metabolism, which triggers diabetes. Stomach 36 (Three Mile Point) is located on the stomach meridian. Massaging this point regularly will produce enough HCL acid to digest your food. Measure four fingers below the kneecap and 1 finger width towards the outer side of the shin bone to locate this point. This point is capable of curing several disorders related to stomach and various pains.
Wrist Point (Acupressure For Diabetes Control)
This point is found at the crease of your wrist below the little finger. Stress worsens diabetes condition. Emotional or physical stress lowers insulin levels considerably. Type-2 diabetes is caused by this condition. The wrist point given here helps you control your stress levels and boost the overall health of the heart. Massaging this point for 5 minutes daily will give you a big heart that is free from all stress.
Urinary Bladder Point (BL 40 Pressure Points For Diabetes)
This point is located behind the kneecap above the calf. It is one of the most effective points to clear all toxins from the body. Diabetes conditions may cause excess urination. This point falls in the urinary bladder meridian and applying pressure on these points will curb this problem.
Quick Tips To Follow Along With Acupressure Treatment For Diabetes
In addition to the pressure points, there are various strongly recommended lifestyle changes that will multiply the benefits of acupressure for quick treatment of diabetes:
- Eat healthy food: Food recommendation is the same that every dietician or doctor would suggest for a healthy diet. Stay extra cautious with salt, sugar, and oil. Take food that is high in fiber, such as fruits (except bananas and sapodilla), beans, green leafy vegetables, and grains. The effort that you invest in pressure points for diabetes will show quick and effective results when you follow this diet.
- Maintain a healthy weight: If you are overweight, dedicate a part of the day to exercising. Aim for a slow and gradual weight loss that is optimal for your age and height. Cardio exercises are the best for diabetics. It improves the overall metabolism of fat and carbohydrates. A combination of acupressure points for diabetes and cardio exercises will keep your sugar metabolism at an all-time high.
- Enough sleep: In today’s stressful life, getting enough rest is the biggest challenge. It makes matter worse for diabetics. If you are having trouble with getting enough sleep, consult your doctor as certain medications will help improve your sleep quality. Along with diabetes cure by acupressure, you could also check out some points that help you get quality sleep.
- Quit smoking: Here is our complete coverage on acupressure to quit smoking that will be a great help. Smoking triggers various diabetes complications, like:
- Reduced blood flow
- Heart diseases
- Nerve disorders
- Kidney ailments
- Stroke
- Weak eyes that lead to blindness
- Control blood pressure and cholesterol: High blood pressure could severely damage blood vessels. The damage worsens when you have high cholesterol teamed up with diabetes. This condition could result in a stroke or other life-threatening conditions. Here are some acupressure points for blood pressure that will be a great company with acupressure therapy for diabetes.
- Cinnamon & Ginger: Ginger is highly powerful in controlling blood sugar by using muscle cells. The chemical Cinnamaldehydein is responsible for the insulin-increasing power of cinnamon.
- Don’t Skip Breakfast: Skipping breakfast increases food cravings during the later part of the day. It also triggers dangerous blood sugar spikes all day.
- Drink Plenty Of Water: If you are applying acupressure points for a diabetes cure, you will need to drink an ample amount of water to flush out the toxins. Moreover, excessive urination in diabetes may cause dehydration and that’s when water will be handy.
In addition to the above-given points, there are certain foods that will help you control diabetes. These foods will give you great results along with pressure points for diabetes to increase sugar metabolism.
Conclusion – Acupressure Points For Diabetes Shows Results In Long Term
The acupressure for diabetes control given here is not an alternative to medical treatment. Nor does it replace the need to change lifestyle. It is just an independent therapy that will show results in the long term. So, it is highly recommended to press all the acupressure points for diabetes given in this article religiously for 3 months for optimum results along with ongoing treatment.